IT Security Solutions for Not For Profit
Computer Security
To keep your organisation’s IT system protected we can recommend some of the world’s most trusted anti-virus software programs which offer application control and can be used to prohibit unwanted external devices being plugged in. As working partners, all Labyrinth IT Solutions staff are trained in these products.
All our Antivirus products come with not for profit pricing structures meaning generous discounts for your organisation. This ensures complete protection at an affordable cost for the organisation giving peace of mind that all systems are protected at all times
In addition we can prevent usage of USB devices or alternatively implement a USB scanning policy to ensure all devices are scanned prior to use to prohibit security issues from unsafe file transfers
Perimeter and Email Security
Security applications protect against the latest threats, while firewalls can be put in place to inspect all throughput to prevent intrusion. This means that only authorised persons can access your network therefore protecting your data against external threats.
Spam and web blocking systems control spam email and filter content. With the rise in unwanted and potentially dangerous email content we can help ensure that spam is caught at source to prevent it getting into your systems where problems can be caused.
Your contact at Labyrinth IT Solutions will monitor your contract renewals to ensure they do not expire and leave your organisation vulnerable.